It almost sounds like he was a disappointment. And yet...and yet...at times he sang like a reincarnated straight-up jazz singer, scatting and vocalesing his way through material that didn't realize it could be jazzified. His personality was winning and his showmanship superb. The term crowd-pleaser was invented for just such a performer as Musiq Soulchild. He teased the audience with promises of his current single, the summertime smash that is peaking in winter, the irresistible "Buddy," and even credited the inspiration for the song, the bass line from Taana Gardner's dancefloor giant, "Heartbeat."
It is in "Buddy" that the appeal of Musiq Soulchild has been distilled and finessed. He has always been our Buddy - the guy next door in love with the girl next door, hip, cool, but not too cool to be corny when it was called for, able to express the romantic dilemmas of that guy he portrays so well. Even when Musiq is trying to be a hard rock superstar (a hard on the ears metal show complete with audience dives at the Giftcenter one drizzly Valentines Day) or Vegas it up with the aforementioned tribute medley to fallen r&b stars, he remains knowable. Of course, the guy next door has rock star fantasies and, given the chance to live them out, he's gonna do it! Of course, despite the fact that he has written some of the most telling, candid, perceptive songs about modern romance of the past ten years, he doesn't want to be regarded as "soft." He's just like the guy next door, and underneath it all, still our Buddy.
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